Journal of fundamental and applied researches

Функции повтора в прозе Валерии Нарбиковой

2013. №2, pp. 98-102

Romanovskaya Olga E.  - D.Sc. (Philology), Astrakhan State University, 410056, Russia, Astrakhan, 20a Tatishev St.,

The article is devoted to the study of repetition in Valeriya Narbicova’s prose. The aim of the author is to detect the traditions of the ornamental prose (in particular the style of «pletenie sloves» (the “weaving of words”)) in the modern writer’s works. As a result of her research the author defines the main functions of a lexical and phonetic repetition. The repetitions form the narration, that turns to the area of the character’s sense. Moreover the lexical repetition is a device of playing with words and the phonetic one is the way to transform prose to poetic.

Key words: repetition,ornamental prose,narration,playing with words
