Journal of fundamental and applied researches

К вопросу о сущности понятия «иноязычная компетенция»

2013. №2, pp. 41-46

Nasikhanova Astra Z. - assistant, Astrakhan State University, 414056, Russia, Astrakhan, 20а, Tatischev St.,

Davydova Ludmila N., Director of the Business Institute of Pedagogics and Psychology, Full Professor,Dr. Sc. In Pedagogics, Astrakhan State University, 414056, Russia, Astrakhan, 20а, Tatischev St. The article presents different approaches to the definition of foreign language competence. Universities and colleges of Russia use the principles of the competence-based approach in students’ teaching. This method is extensively made use of. Many authors regard foreign language competence as an element of the professional competence, a specific kind of activity, which content is an exchange of information between different language groups members’. Recent researches deals with different approaches to the essence of this type of the competence and its structure. The author examines the role of the foreign language teaching in the universities and its standards as directed by the existing state educational standard. In accordance with its requirements the main goal of the students’ training course is to develop skills to practical use of a foreign language. The analysis of the definitions of the competence elicits different accents in its rendering, also differences in the views on its structure.

Key words: foreign language competence,competence-based approach,components of foreign language competence,structure
