Journal of fundamental and applied researches

Джадидизм и кадимизм на приграничной территории Российской империи: новые факты истории

2013. №1, pp. 118-126

Tarabanovskaya Elena A. - candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor, Astrakhan State University, 414056 Russia, Astrakhan, Tatishchev St., 20a,

Interests of Russian Empire to the foundation of schools for non-Russian population were in plans of the statehood protection. The level of study of the questions concerning problems of authority, society and school mutual relations in the nineteenth century is analyzed. The disputes about the purpose and results of these reforms, their importance in the history of the country are still continuing. The search of the integration course of Muslim population in the united Russian community was the most difficult one for government. The term “education reform” in an official terminology at the 60-70 years of the nineteenth century was not used. All changes in Russia during this period were conserved by the government as a consistent development of previous achievements. In the last quarter of the nineteenth century in Central Volga, the region of compact accommodation of Tatar population the conception of dzhadidizm, the conservative opinion among Muslim population was prevailed in the North-Caspian region. The opportunities of the source base for the further development of these questions were shown. The view of school transformation as an obligatory part of all policy of gradual reforming and modernization of the country is offered. The nature of education as an important criterion of depth and transition durability from traditional to modern forms of economic, social and cultural life is accepted.

Key words: djaidizm,kadimizm,Caspian Sea Region,confessional school,criminal community
