Journal of fundamental and applied researches

К вопросу употребления лексических субстандартных единиц-зоонимовв уголовном жаргоне

2013. №1, pp. 25-27

Metelskaya Elena V. - assistant, Astrakhan State University, 414056, Russia, Astrakhan, Tatischev St., 20а,

At the present stage of updating of a scientific anthropocentric paradigm of research in the field of the use and use of substandard lexicon get importance. The analysis of lexical substandard units and their reflection in language is one of the actual directions of modern linguistics. In this article attempt to carry out the analysis of lexical substandard units-zoonimov, on the basis of sample of Russian-speaking dictionaries of a criminal slang concerning division of lexical units into the isolated theme groups is made.

Key words: lexical substandard units-zoonimy,substandard lexicon,comparative and comparative analysis,theme groups,criminal slang
