Journal of fundamental and applied researches

«Повод и обстоятельства дарения» как компоненты лингвокультурного концепта «подарок»

2013. №1, pp. 15-20

Grazhdan Elena N. - Candidate of Philology, Astrakhan State University, 414056, Russia, Astrakhan, Tatischev St. 20а,

The article deals with the components of the lingvocultural concept “gift” – “the cause and circumstances of a gift”. The author investigates explanatory and synonymous dictionaries, what gives us an opportunity to broaden the meaning of the concept “gift” in American and Russian cultural linguistics, to compare them and find the differences. The research shows that the categories “the cause and circumstances of a gift” are similar in American and Russian cultural linguistics, however the difference between them is traced in customs and traditions of the cultures, the specifics of their holidays. The categories “gift circumstances and the cause it” depend on the features of the parts (the giver and the recipient of a gift) and their relations.

Key words: components “the cause and circumstances of a gift”,cultural concept “gift”,giver and recipient,culture,American and Russian lingvocultures,linguistic consciousness,lexical units,definitions,semantic development,extralinguistic information
