Journal of fundamental and applied researches

К вопросу о классификации перифраз

2013. №1, pp. 12-15

Gonzina Natalia M. - Candidate of Philology, assistant professor, Astrakhan State University, 414056, Russia, Astrakhan, 20а, Tatischev St.,

Myazina Julia E. - postgraduate student, Astrakhan State University, 414056, Russia, Astrakhan, 20а, Tatischev St.,

This article is devoted to the linguistic concept – the term “periphrasis”. The research is based on the analysis of existing classifications of the phenomenon of periphrasis in the field of linguistics. The concept of periphrasis has a large number of its variants. Though the phenomenon of periphrasis has quite a long history, its nature and essence can`t still be exactly described. Considering the contradictions in the sphere of conceptual structure and framework of periphrasis, there is no unity of classification.

Key words: periphrasis,perifrastichesky unit,classification,variants,linguistics
