Journal of fundamental and applied researches

Структура готовности курсантов морских учебных заведений к экстремальным ситуациям

2012. №4, pp. 162-168

Kasyanov Oleg N. - lecturer, Ministry of Transport Russian Federation Federal Agency of Maritime and River Transport Caspian Branch of Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Training Admiral Ushakov Maritime State Academy, 414024, Russia, Astrakhan, B. Khmelnitskiy St. 3,

Rykova Bella V. - candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Astrakhan State University, 414056, Russia, Astrakhan, Tatischev St. 20a,

One of the most important problems of pedagogies is the question of specialist preparedness to solve problems arising during the professional activity. The author of the article examines the question of marine specialists preparedness to act in extreme situations.

Key words: actions in extreme situations,human factor,safety of navigation,specialist preparedness.
