Journal of fundamental and applied researches

Лирическая поэма в творчестве поэта-имажиниста А. Кусикова

2012. №4, pp. 142-149

Spesivtseva Liubov V. - Candidate of Philology, Astrakhan State University, 414056, Russia, Astrakhan, 20а, Tatishchev st.,

In article actual questions in modern literary criticism of genre transformations in Russian poetry of the beginning of the XXth century are brought up, lyrical poems of imagist Alexander Kusikova for the first time are analyzed. The special attention is given to revealing of typological lines of a lyrical poem as genre formation. The thought that Alexander Kusikova’s lyrical poems represent single whole parts is proved. In genre definition of products the special internal plot of self-identification of the lyrical hero, stages of its consciousness is built.

Key words: cycle,genre,lyrical poem,lyrical hero,plot,chronotop,fragmentariness,reflection.
