Journal of fundamental and applied researches

Жанрово-стилистическое своеобразие филологического романа А. Гениса «Довлатов и окрестности»

2012. №4, pp. 110-116

Bajbatyrova Nailja M. - Cand.Phil.Sc., Astrakhan State University, 414056, Russia, Astrakhan, Tatischev St., 20а,

The article is devoted to the author’s genre of the philological novel of the writer of «the third wave» of emigration A. Genis embodied in the work «Dovlatov and surroundings». The author analyzes features of memoirs and diary literature, which are intertwined with signs of essay, as A. Genis freely interprets the events of the Soviet history and describes the external and internal sides of life and creativity of well-known writer and journalist Sergei Dovlatov. The genre and stylistic originality of the novel which consists in a combination of reconstruction of the cultural landscape of the 1970s and 1990s and philological view of the author on the writer’s creativity is considered. The author gives special attention to the analysis of philological methods in the novel directed on wide reader’s audience. Despite multiple literary and linguistic terms in the work, they aren’t perceived by the reader as something static, heavy and narrow professional.

Key words: A. Genis,memoirs,S. Dovlatov,the philology novel,publicism of Russian abroad,postmodernism,author’s genres,essay,genre and stylistic features.
