Journal of fundamental and applied researches

Сопоставительный анализ презентации субстандартных лексических единиц-экскламантов в словарях субстандартной лексики английского и русского языков (на примере словаря молодежного жаргона М.А. Грачева и словаря современного англоязычного сленга Тони Торна)

2012. №4, pp. 90-94

Hadzhayeva Nadyа H. - post-graduate student, Astrakhan State University, 414056, Russia, Astrakhan, Tatischev St., 20а,

Practice of developing lexicographic editions, and also its theoretical interpretation are considered to be the basis for formation of a special branch of modern linguistics – a social lexicography which investigates non-standard (substandard) lexicon of national languages. In the given article we made an attempt to analyze the dictionary of modern Russian slang by M.A. Grachev and the dictionary of modern English slang by Tony Torn for the purpose of comparing lexicographic description of substandard slang units-exclaimants, with the further research of the problems arising at their lexicographic description.

Key words: lexical substandard units-exclaimants,substandard lexis,the lexicographic analysis.
