Journal of fundamental and applied researches

История возникновения и развития валлийского варианта английского языка (Wenglish)

2012. №4, pp. 32-39

Yemelyanovа Nadezhda A. - Candidate of Philology, Astrakhan State University, 414056, Russia, Astrakhan, Tatischev St., 20а,,

The article is devoted to the issue of historical background of Welsh English – the dialect of the South Wales Valleys and the way it has been developing since XIX c. The author uses the term “Wenglish” introduced by John Edwards in his work “Talk Tidy” in 1985s and covers the language situation in Wales diachronically.

Key words: Wales (Cymru),Welsh dialects of the English language,Wenglish,language situation,industrialization.
