Journal of fundamental and applied researches


2020. №1, pp. 78-87

Morozova Svetlana N. - Penza branch of the Military Academy of Material and Technical Support,

Zhatkin Dmitrij N. - Penza State Technological University,

The article is devoted to the perception of K.I. Chukovsky’s work of Arthur Conan Doyle and the image of the most famous hero of the detective stories of this writer - Sherlock Holmes. An interest to the detective genre and, in particular, to the works of Conan Doyle from the point of veiwof K.I. Chukovsky was due to his translation activity. K.I. Chukovsky not only got acquainted with the phenomenon of mass culture that was new at that time, but in the article «Nat Pinkerton and Modern Literature» (1908) was able to distinguish between good detective literature and tabloid book production. In the article entitled as «About Sherlock Holmes» K.I. Chukovsky analyzes the image of Sherlock Holmes on the basis of stories about him. Important features of the great detective K.I. Chukovsky calls impartiality and disinterestedness, determined by the fact that Sherlock Holmes in the investigation of cases does not rely on the thirst for profit and fame, but on his life principles and concepts of honor. The unique observation of Sherlock Holmes, the amazing ability to solve complex questions, based on impeccable logic, make him a favorite hero of children's literature. K.I. Chukovsky considers no less attractive and exciting, tense plot, peculiar to the popular at that time neo - romantic direction in literature. The high popularity of the hero of Conan Doyle led to the appearance in the detective literature of a series of imitative works in which Sherlock Holmes was also the main character. K.I. Chukovsky pointed out the danger of comparing this pseudo - hero with the real Sherlock Holmes. Having become an epic figure,Sherlock Holmes overshadowed Conan Doyle himself and in many ways did not allow him to go beyond the chosen genre. Nevertheless, the literary genius of Conan Doyle is recognized throughout the world, and there is no hero in the fiction world who has received as much fame as Sherlock Holmes. Understanding of the heritage of Arthur Conan Doyle by K.I. Chukovsky was decisive in Russian literature and generally reflected the nature of the attitude of Russian cultural consciousness to the creative work of the English writer.

Key words: К. И. Чуковский, Артур Конан Дойль, русская литература, английская литература, русско-английские литературные и культурные связи, традиции, детектив, неоромантизм, дедукция, K.I. Chukovsky, Arthur Conan Doyle, Russian literature, English literature, Russian-English literary and cultural ties, traditions, detective, neo-romanticism, deduction
