Journal of fundamental and applied researches

Features of metaphorization as a means of representation of corporeality in the poetry of v. narbut

2018. №4, pp. 68-73

Guschina K. N. - teacher, Astrakhan State Medical University, 414024, Russia, Astrakhan, 121 Bakinskaya st,

The article is devoted to the peculiarities of metaphorization as one of the means of embodiment of the category of corporeality in V. Narbut's poetic system. Because the body in the poetry of V. Narbut is the main obrazovaniya metaphor, a variation which is implemented in correlations, “body - earth”, “the body animal”, “body plant”, “body food”, “body - thing”, as well as work, we consider metamorphism as a fundamental principle of myremoteserver defines the features of the language representation of corporeality in the poetry of V. Narbuta: synthesis of anthropomorphic, animalistic, vegetative and gastic metaphors, diffusion of personified and materialized forms, loosening the border between organic and inorganic imagery.

Key words: соматосфера, метафоризация, метаморфизм, акмеизм, адамизм, соматизмы, образ тела, миромоделирование, языковая репрезентация, somatosphere, metaphorization, metamorphism, Acmeism, adamism, somatism, body image, world modeling, language representation
