Journal of fundamental and applied researches

Headline of the publicistic text as a forming regulator of emotive-discursive space

2018. №4, pp. 32-36

Krutova I. N. - Candidate of Philological Sciences, Astrakhan State Technical University, 414052, Russia, Astrakhan, 16 Tatishchev St,

In connection with the acceleration of the communication process, the title is now becoming one of the main language formations involved in the organization of journalistic discourse. The article deals with the organization of journalistic discourse headlines from the point of view of emotional support and the author's influence on the recipient. The emotive component of the pragmatic meaning of the title is the subject of the study, the emotive plan is the reason that encourages the addressee / author to create the text.

Key words: публицистика, когнитивные процессы, дискурс, эмотивность, рефлексия, публицистический текст, коммуникативное поведение, коммуникативная стратегия, journalism, cognitive processes, discourse, emotivity, reflection, journalistic text, communicative behavior, communicative strategy
