Journal of fundamental and applied researches

2018. №4, pp. 11-15

Donchenko E. V. - Candidate of Philological Sciences, Astrakhan State University, 410056, Russia, Astrakhan, 20a Tatishchev st,

The article describes the intensity category and offers an analysis of the lexical and grammatical means of expressing intensity in the framework of verbal-noun phrases and intensity idioms. Particular attention is paid to the peculiarities of the expression of intensity in French and in Russian in comparison, the specifics of the verbal-nominal phrases of the French language and their equivalents in the Russian language.

Key words: интенсивность, глаголы действия, интенсификаторы, модификаторы, глагольно-именные словосочетания, видовая семантика, семантико-прагматический анализ, фразеологизмы, лексико-грамматические средства, русский язык, французский язык, intensity, action verbs, intensifiers, modifiers, verbal-noun phrases, species semantics, semantic-pragmatic analysis, phraseological units, lexical-grammatical means, French language, Russian language
