Journal of fundamental and applied researches

About inclusion orphans in society in the course of focused education

2017. №4, pp. 149-152

Agafonova Vera A. - Postgraduate Student, Astrakhan State University, 414056, Russia, Astrakhan, 20a Tatishchev st,

The article is devoted to inclusion orphans in an active artistic and service activity. In future, orphans will be included in different processes of modern society. It will help the educator to develop all spheres of an orphan. It is necessary to use innovative forms, methods and technologies during adaptational work with children. It is also concerned of children’s evolutive leisure.

Key words: социальная адаптация детей-сирот, организация жизнедеятельности в условиях детского дома, сферы социальных отношений, проектная деятельность воспитанников, social adaptation of orphans, organization of living functioning in an orphan home, spheres of social relationship, project activity of foster children
