Journal of fundamental and applied researches

The substantivaty in the Russian anatomical terminology of the XVIII century

2017. №4, pp. 11-16

Veklich Marina V. - Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor, Astrakhan State University, 414056, Russia, Astrakhan, 20a Tatishchev st,

Cubstantivatsiya - one of the ways to replenish the Russian anatomy vocabulary of the XVIII century. Substantivaty in a scientific work is a thematically and professionally limited group of terms that have a single-digit feminine gender paradigm, the exception is the substantivatist lung, which has a middle-gender paradigm of the singular. Substantivaty, integrating into the receiving terminology as a result of the ellation of the adjective word combination, become full members of anatomical terminology.

Key words: субстантивация, субстантиват, термин, терминология, substantivization, substantivat, term, terminology
