Journal of fundamental and applied researches

Types of threats to the political system foundations and reflection in criminal legislation russian federation

2017. №3, pp. 181-184

Degterev Andrey A. - Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor, Astrakhan State University, 414056, Russia, Astrakhan, 20a Tatishchev st,

The article considers correlation of threats to political system foundations with aspects of their criminal legal and normative interpretation. Today global political environment destabilization is due to the comprehensive realization all types of the threats despite the variability particular features in each state. The threats fixed in the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation are conditionally classified on the basis of their source into external, internal and mixed, which have the greatest degree of public danger. However, despite the features of different countries legislation, the encroachment object remains the same - statehood foundations, which in the developing processes of globalization and integration context reveals interconnection and interdependence individual states political stability and the entire world community.

Key words: политическая система, мятеж, организация беспорядков, измена, шпионаж, государственный переворот, дестабилизация мирового правопорядка, political system, revolt, riots, treason, espionage, coup d'etat, destabilization of the world order
