Journal of fundamental and applied researches


2017. №1, pp. 121-126

Usova Ekaterina V. - Candidate of Political Sciences, Astrakhan State University, 414056, Russia, Astrakhan, 20a Tatishchev st,

The subject of research is the system of legal regulation of relations emerging in connection with the possession, use and disposal of state property and the property of the municipalities in the Russian Federation in modern conditions. The purpose of the article is to study the theoretical aspects of public ownership according to the Russian legislation. During the study used general scientific dialectical method of cognition, including the principle of systems. Public ownership in the civil law is understood as the state and municipal property. The article gives a general description of the public (state and municipal) property. As subjects of public property rights are considered the stated state subjects of the Russian Federation, municipalities having particularly in comparison with other participants of property relations - individuals and legal entities. Analyzing the content of "public property" category, the author came to the conclusion that the legislation does not contain a clear list of public property. The objects of state and municipal property received a legislative basis in a variety of regulations. Dispersal of public property complicates the practical application of legislation. Based on the content analysis of normative legal acts defined list of objects related to both the objects of state and municipal property. Having noted the special status of the legal status of the object of public property as nature. The author also touched upon the issue of transfer of public property in the category of private property and considered the theoretical aspect of the privatization of public property.

Key words: публичная собственность, государство, муниципальные образования, приватизация, объект публичной собственности, public property, the state, municipalities, privatization of publicly owned facility
