Journal of fundamental and applied researches

Realizable particular easement on land in conditions of modernization of land and legal norms

2016. №4, pp. 166-170

Khramova Irina S. - Candidate of Law Sciences, Associate Professor, Astrakhan State University, 414056, Russia, Astrakhan, 20Р° Tatishchev st,

The article is devoted to the issues of legal regulation of an easement on land. The features of the conceptual apparatus of the limited right to use someone else's land, installed especially in species diversity. Considerable attention is paid to the development of the legislation regulating the right of easement, thus analyzed as the recently adopted provisions and submitted to the State Duma.

Key words: земельный участок, сервитут, частный сервитут, публичный сервитут, соглашение об установлении сервитута, судебное решение как основание возникновение сервитута, land, easement, servitude private, public easement, an easement agreement, a judgment as the basis of the occurrence of an easement
