Гуманитарные исследования

Журнал фундаментальных и прикладных исследований

Правовое положение советских профсоюзов в период перехода к новой экономической политике (к 110-летию российских профсоюзов)

2016. №3, Стр. 138-146

Рощин Б.Е. - старший преподаватель, Костромской государственный университет им. Н.А. Некрасова, 156961, Россия, г. Кострома, ул. 1 Мая, 14, pravoborise@mail.ru

In the offered work the general characteristic is given to a legal status of the Russian labor unions during transition of the country from policy of "military communism" to new economic policy. The main features, regularities and tendencies of development of legal regulation of labor unions in the conditions of economic innovations and essential changes in socially - the labor sphere are shown. The main attention is paid to the analysis of the relevant standards of the Code of Laws on the work RSFSR (1922) defined a legal status and legal status of domestic labor unions as subjects of the labor law. The author comes to a conclusion that, despite quite wide range of the powers conferred to labor unions in new economic conditions they considerably lost the real power in the sphere of work and production, in comparison with the period of "military communism". Besides, in the presence of a number of positive aspects (formation of labor unions on a production sign, voluntary membership in labor unions, collectively-contractual regulation, participation in socially-the partner relations, etc.), the role of certain subsidiary organizations, peculiar the "driving belts" dependent, first of all, on interests of the government was fixed in reality behind labor unions. Possibly to realize and overcome problems of modern labor unions only "having got to the bottom" of their roots, having studied historical experience of data of the organizations.

Ключевые слова: новая экономическая политика, профессиональные союзы, ленинское учение о профсоюзах, коллективный договор, дискуссии о профсоюзах, «рабочая оппозиция», правовое положение профсоюзов, new economic policy, labor unions, the Lenin doctrine about labor unions, the collective agreement, discussions about labor unions, “working opposition", a legal status of labor unions
