Journal of fundamental and applied researches

The formation of the school-significant functions in children with disabilities

2016. №1, pp. 103-109

Skripnichenko Vera V. - Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences; the director, Astrakhan State University; Comprehensive boarding school в„– 5, 410000, Russia, Astrakhan, 53 Naberezhnaya 1 Maya st. ,

The article deals with the problem of forming in children school - significant functions as conditions for prevention of learning difficulties. Emphasizes the importance of this direction in the work of pre - school institutions. It is necessary to prepare children with disabilities to the mastering of the school curriculum, including the conditions of inclusive education, creation of conditions for adaptation of the child with special needs in the school environment, which should be affordable, comfortable. Emphasizes the development of models of training of specialists for work with this category of pupils based on mastery of ideas about individual capabilities, pace, "the zone of proximal development" of children.

Key words: школьно-значимые функции, универсальные учебные умения, готовность к школьному обучению, позиция школьника, ограниченные возможности здоровья, инклюзия, адаптация, школьная среда, индивидуальные возможности, зона ближайшего развития, school-significant functions, universal training skills, readiness for school, the position of a pupil, disabilities, inclusion, adaptation, school environment, individual capabilities, zone of proximal development
