Journal of fundamental and applied researches


2016. №1, pp. 23-29

Ilova Elena V. - Candidate of Philological Sciences, Astrakhan State University, 414056, Russia, Astrakhan, 20a Tatischev st.,

The article focuses on functioning of the theatrical discourse as a semantic model of social order and life which are transmitted through a variety of images and behavioral patterns. The object of the research is a complex of theatrical signs which serve as tools to produce different messages -combinations of codes: linguistic, perceptional, sociocultural and theatrical. The aim of the article is to study an image as a two-sided unit which simultaneously serves as a means used by an actor for transformation of the reality into a sign, and as a stage reality which is turned into a sign by the audience. The actor codifies information using a code system typical for a particular society, and the audience decode these messages. This code system is the key to what is going on on the stage. Some attention is paid to multicode character of culture, from which a person acquires a code system. And he comes to the theatre with this system in mind. The article concludes that social relations in a certain culture are reflected in a performance, and thus, become filled with theatrical signs. Images taken from the culture are decoded by the theatre and become public. So, the theatre imitates the whole variety of social communications via signs and images.

Key words: культурный код, театральная семиотика, знак, спектакль, образ, cultural code, theatrical semiotics, sign, performance, image
