Journal of fundamental and applied researches

THE CULTURAL HERITAGE OF THE MULTIETHNIC REGION (the analysis of the publications of the specialized section in a scientific journal “The Caspian Region: Politics, Economy, Culture”)

2015. №2, pp. 203-218

Rezakov Ravil A. - Doctor of pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Moscow City Pedagogical University, 129226, Moscow, 2nd Agricultural, 4,

Podvoisky Leonid Ya. - Ph.D. (Philosophy), Associate Professor, Astrakhan State University, 20Р° Tatishchev st., Astrakhan, 414056, Russia,

The review of publications on the problem of preservation of cultural heritage represents micro sociological research of scientometric character. In this article the author gives the analysis of publications of one scientific magazine devoted to a problem of researches of preservation of cultural heritage in the multiethnic region. The presented material gives the chance to estimate the quality growth of scientific knowledge on the subject of ensuring cultural safety in the Lower Volga frontier through a prism of the relations "the Our- the Stranger" on the example of the relation to cultural heritage of the poliethnic region, to reveal printing activity of scientists, to designate the beginning authors.

Key words: культурное наследие, фронтир, полиэтнический регион, поликонфессиональность, мультикультурализм, исследования, культурная безопасность, cultural heritage, frontier, poliethnic region, policonfessionality, multiculturalism. researches, cultural safety
