Journal of fundamental and applied researches

“Theatre for Yourself” and Corporeity in V. Shershenevich’s Literary and Critical Discourse

2015. №1, pp. 57-70

Isaev Gennady G. - Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor, Astrakhan State University, 410056, Russia, Astrakhan, 20a Tatishev st,

The most notable features of the corporeity functioning in V. Shershenevich’s literary and critical discourse are its game, irony, intertextuality and methods of artistic speech integration. The basic principle of discourse is transfer of human characteristics to inanimate objects and phenomena (speech power, the ability to think and feel), which leads to many trops and rhetorical move. Corporeity and game link strategies of text construction with knowledge meaning-making about the literature phenomena in V. Shershenevich’s criticism.

Key words: В. Шершеневич, имажинизм, телесность, игра, ирония, писательская критика, дискурс, V. Shershenevich, imagism, corporeity, game, irony, literary criticism, discourse
